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Does age not pass you by ?!

 Have you noticed that as the years go by, the ease that used to be to climb stairs, run to reach an appointment in time, face the hurry in a relaxed way, take weights or simply keep up with the fast pace of life, has been decrease?

Does age not pass you by ?!

And… do you think it's normal? Is age alone responsible for this loss of abilities? Do you feel comfortable doing less or less fitness?

Yeah, I don't think so! And, by the way, what have you been doing to counter these physical signs of aging?

Oh right! I know you already answered and you know that the answers you want are not even far away, in fact, they are right inside of you, just want to look at them and make a commitment to want to do something!

Let me then reinforce and clarify the ideas that you certainly already have. Physical exercise is a key piece to combat the effects of aging, why?

Improves body composition - improving the quality of body weight, increasing lean mass and reducing fat mass, therefore an excellent tool to fight obesity;

Improves cardio-respiratory function, which means greater aptitude for carrying out daily tasks and reduces the likelihood of heart problems;

Prevents some health disorders such as diabetes and high cholesterol by reducing the harmful effects that these problems have associated;

Prevents osteo-articular problems, allowing you to develop your normal activities of the day without pain or limitations

You've decided! You will train religiously until the end of your life!

Excellent decision!

Now, let me give you some tips regarding the amount and type of exercise :

Several studies indicate that the results of exercise with regard to improving health are directly related to greater amounts of exercise, and at least the weekly caloric expenditure dependent on exercise should be 1000kcal, which means at least 3 weekly training sessions. 20 to 30 minutes with moderate to intense intensity.

Therefore, take as a motto that, when talking about exercise and if you want to get the maximum benefits “some is already good, but more is better”.

Bet on yourself and on improving your life , counteract the effects of aging, train more often and in a complementary way. Challenge the capacity of your muscles, your heart and your lungs. Improve your balance, your flexibility, your coordination. Improve your SELF and get ready to hear the comment many times: “Age doesn't seem to pass you by!”

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