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How to lose belly fat fast for women ?

 Stored visceral fat, or belly fat that surrounds the organs, increases a woman's risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, belly fat is metabolically active and can be reduced quickly if you commit to a healthy diet, increased exercise and stress reduction. You can lose belly fat by regulating your stress hormones and increasing your metabolism.

How to lose belly fat fast for women ?

Method 1: Strategic Food

1. Know the saying “Your abs are shaped in the kitchen.  Most trainers believe that getting rid of belly fat is about 90% diet and 10% exercise. So if you're not eating healthy yet, this step is very important.

2. Quit sugar and processed grains. Eating less sugar and empty calories from processed white carbohydrates will help you burn fat faster.

  • This means that you also have to cut out liquid calories such as in soft drinks, coffee or tea with sugar and alcohol.
  • Most nutritionists believe that it is impossible to lose belly fat quickly and healthily if you continue to eat processed foods.

3. Base your meals on fruits and vegetables.
  • A woman between the ages of 19 and 50 should eat at least 400 grams of vegetables per day.
  • Choose your vegetables by color. Try to have as much color on your plate as possible, then you will have more nutrients.

4. Eat more whole grains. Choose grains like quinoa, brown rice, and barley instead of whole grain wheat bread. The less processed the grains are, the healthier it is for you.
  • Choose grains with a low glycemic value. This means that you do not get spikes in your blood sugar, so that you are full for longer.
  • Take a look at glycemicindex.com to see what glycemic value your favorite dish has.

5. Eat enough protein.
  • Eat good protein every day, such as in salmon, tuna, turkey, chicken and legumes (if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, be careful not to get too much mercury when you eat certain types of fish).
  • Eat low-fat dairy in the form of yogurt. Yogurt helps lower cortisol levels through the calcium it contains. Greek yogurt contains more protein than regular yogurt, and eating 1 serving a day can help you burn belly fat faster.

6. Drink 2 to 5 cups of green tea every day.
  • Studies have shown that people who take 600 mg of catechins, an antioxidant found in green tea every day, lost 16 times more visceral fat than people who did not drink it.
  • Look for green tea with a high amount of antioxidants.
  • Drink it warm to enjoy its benefits.

Method 2: Move Strategically

1. Do 1 hour of cardio every day if you want to lose fat. While 30 minutes of moderate exercise can stop the production of visceral fat, it takes an hour to burn it. Unfortunately, you cannot burn fat in one particular place. But 90% of people who want to lose fat find that the fat on the stomach decreases first.

2. Try interval training. Short (1 to 5 minutes) bursts of vigorous exercise alternated with slower periods during a 1-hour cardio workout accelerate your metabolism, allowing you to lose fat faster.
  • Try boot camp, circuit training, or special fat burning classes if you want to learn how to include intervals in your workout.
  • You can also set an interval program on most fitness equipment.

3. Do exercises using your own body weight. Do a "plank," push-ups, squats, and lunges every other day.
  • Do these types of exercises every other day for 30 minutes.
  • With these static and dynamic exercises you burn more fat than with sit-ups, because they use all the muscles of your core longer and more intensively.
  • Do strength exercises on fitness equipment once your body is used to the above exercises. Exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes on these devices.

4. Stretch your abs before exercising. Do your cardio workout first, then stretch your abs so that you're using your core before your hips, legs, or neck.
  • Take a Pilates class to learn how to train the deeper abdominal muscles.
  • Do abdominal exercises every other day for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Make sure to also train your obliques and lower abs. Good exercises for this are the "side plank", reverse crunches, cycling while lying on your back and rolling down.

Method 3: Balance your stress hormones

1. Figure out what causes you stress in your life. Stress has been linked to an increase in visceral fat in both men and women.
  • Stress causes your body to produce more stress hormones such as cortisol.
  • Cortisol sends signals to your body to store fat. Stress is a signal to your body that there may be a food shortage coming.
  • Many studies show that women show more physical symptoms of stress than men, including fat storage in the abdomen.

2 Try to minimize stressful situations at work and at home as soon as possible. By controlling stress in your life, you can lose belly fat faster than diet and exercise alone.

3 Start with breathing exercises.
  • Breathe in for 10 seconds. Sit in a comfortable position. Inhale in 10 seconds and out in 10 seconds. Breathe in this way for 2 to 5 minutes.
  • People who are stressed often breathe too quickly and shallowly without knowing it.
  • Do the 10-second breath every time you are stressed, or at 5 times throughout the day.

4 Take a vitamin C supplement. If you don't get enough vitamin C in your diet, taking a supplement can help regulate the amount of cortisol in your blood and reduce the effects of stress on your body.
  • Try to eat more oranges, kiwi, peppers, broccoli, and tomatoes. Each serving contains between 40 and 100 mg of vitamin C.
  • Eat 500 mg of vitamin C every day. Try to get most of it from your diet.
  • Take a supplement of 200 mg of vitamin C if you don't reach 500 mg otherwise. You can also take 500 mg for a week if you normally get very little vitamin C from your diet.

5. Try to sleep for 7-8 hours. If you sleep well, your body can better control stress and hormone levels.
  • People who sleep less than 7 hours a night sometimes have elevated levels of cortisol and ghrelin, which help them retain more belly fat.
  • Ghrelin is a hormone that makes you crave sweets and fatty foods.

6 Try yoga and meditation. If deep breathing helps you, you can also try yoga or meditation, as these are the best ways to regulate cortisol, ghrelin, and other hormones that make you gain weight.
  • To get rid of belly fat quickly, you can try different types of yoga for exercise and stress relief. In power yoga, for example, you burn fat and relax at the same time.
  • By learning to meditate you can often sleep better.

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