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Lose weight with jumping rope


Jumping rope (or skipping rope ) is not always immediately thought of when you are planning to lose weight.

Lose weight with jumping rope

Yet it is an effective weapon in the fight against the pounds!

It is considered by many fitness gurus to be the ultimate full body workout .

Boxers have had it in their training program for years.

Jumping rope is becoming more and more popular. It is an intensive but very effective way to burn (excess) body fat.

Another advantage is that you can strengthen and build muscles with it. You use just about every muscle in your body.

Are you already eager to get started?

Read this article first to gain knowledge about the benefits, requirements, technique and possible training plan.

The benefits of jumping rope

The advantage of skipping ropes is that you can do it anytime, anywhere.

Many people have little time and don't feel like going all the way to the gym. With skipping rope you can just stay at home and save the travel time to the gym.

It also doesn't take up much space compared to heavy fitness equipment.

Make sure you don't disturb your neighbors.

You can easily take your skipping rope with you everywhere. This way you can also enjoy the outdoors during your workout when the weather is nice. You can also train together, for example with a friend.

Moreover, it is easily accessible; you need few instructions to get started and you won't get it wrong easily. Even if you have not trained much yet, you can quickly get to grips with the skipping ropes.

By doing varied exercises, jumping rope becomes a lot less boring than you might think.

Finally, it's dirt cheap; you just need a rope and good shoes!

Almost everyone has jumped rope as a child, so why not as an adult? Although most jumping workouts are not child's play!

What do you train with jumping rope?

In particular, your shoulders, chest, arms, buttocks and legs are strengthened by skipping ropes. This way you get a nice tight figure without cellulite and you lose weight without losing muscle strength.

You put your Achilles tendons, calves, ankle and foot muscles to work and get stronger arms and shoulders.

You work simultaneously on your hand-eye coordination, stamina/condition, explosiveness, strength, timing, balance, footwork, dynamic agility, flexibility, agility and speed.

These traits can also come in handy for other sports or activities in your life.

Your heart rate is increased with jumping rope. The ideal heart rate to burn fat is between 60 and 75%. You can reach 80% of your maximum heart rate by increasing the pace.

Skipping ropes have a positive effect on the metabolism.

It also helps stimulate your bones to make more bone mass. So even with osteoporosis you can jump rope. Please discuss this carefully with a doctor.

Jumping rope is not recommended during pregnancy.

Jumping rope is a sport

Rope skipping is a sport that was developed around 1960.

It is a collection of different forms of jumping rope in a competitive form, such as speed (speed and endurance) and freestyle (creativity).

You can learn fun tricks, such as a basic jump, windmill, basic jump with extra swing, forward and backward swing, and so on.


double under means that per jump the rope goes under your feet twice.

You can also train to jump with one leg at a time.

Skipping rope supplies

It is recommended to purchase a solid skipping rope for beginners.

The length of your skipping rope depends, among other things, on the height of you as a person. When you stand with both feet in the middle of the rope, the ends should reach your armpits. Some ropes can be adjusted in length.

It is also important that you have good, shock-absorbing sports shoes to prevent injuries.

It is best to jump on a wooden or rubber surface. Preferably not on asphalt or concrete. Keep that in mind when you go out.

How many calories do you burn jumping rope?

You can calculate how many calories you want to burn or have burned with a simple calculation:

You use about 1.5 kilocalories per kilogram of body weight per 10 minutes. That equates to 0.15 kcal per minute.

Multiply this number by the number of minutes the workout lasts plus the number of pounds you weigh.

With a weight of 60 kilos we arrive at the following calculation:

0.15 (kcal per minute) x 15 (minutes) x 60 (kilo) = 135 kcal.

Jumping rope burns more calories than running.

Jump rope training

You will find various instructional videos on YouTube and there are also many apps with training schedules for jumping rope.

The workout is simple but effective. With a schedule you will lose weight faster and easier than if you just jump 'at random'.

Skipping ropes can also serve as a warm-up, but trainers do not recommend this, especially if you are overweight. Better to make it part of your cardio workout .

There are training schedules for beginners and advanced.

Jumping rope is part of crossfit training. Cross fit is a training method that combines different sports such as weightlifting, athletics and gymnastics.

Skipping ropes are also part of the plyometric training. The aim of such training is to generate a large amount of force in the shortest possible time; to teach the muscles a fast, powerful, explosive movement.

If you have never jumped rope or have long ago, it is important that you build up a training properly so as not to overload anything.

Start with a build-up of 6 weeks to start with. For example, every day 3x 1 minute with 30 seconds rest in between. Every week, an additional minute is added, up to about 20 minutes.

Also change the pace. The more you vary the speed, the harder it gets. So you can increase the number of jumps.

Choose music that energizes you. Just be careful that the music doesn't force you to jump at a slower or faster pace than intended.

You can also work with interval training. For example, 45 seconds of intense jumping and then 30 seconds of rest.

In between, always take a day's rest from jumping.

Jumping technique at jumping rope

Jump gently at first, with your feet close together. Your feet barely lift off the ground.

To avoid injury, make sure to bend your knees well when you land, jump well on your forefoot, and maintain your balance.

Keep your body nice and straight. Keep your hands close to your body, at waist level.


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