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Chlorophyll : the health benefits at a glance !


Have you ever drank a wheatgrass shot or made a smoothie with spirulina? Even if not, you've probably seen the names pass by! These green drinks are incredibly popular nowadays among many nutrition bloggers and other health gurus, especially because they contain a lot of the substance chlorophyll .

Chlorophyll : the health benefits at a glance !

Chlorophyll has almost magical properties when it comes to your health - but is it really such a panacea? In today's blog we discuss exactly what chlorophyll is, what it can do for you and how to get as much of it as possible.

What is Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is also called leaf green, and it may be more familiar to you by that name. It is the green substance that gives plants and algae their green color and that ensures that the process of photosynthesis can run smoothly, in which light and carbon are converted into nutrients that are useful to the plant.

Although different types exist, all plants do contain some form of chlorophyll. It is therefore mainly found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach , kale, endive and chard, and in algae such as chlorella and spirulina. In slightly smaller quantities you can also find the substance in other green vegetables and in seeds and nuts .

Protection of the intestines and immune system

Chlorophyll is relatively poorly absorbed by the body, partly because a number of substances can only be dissolved in fat. However, that certainly does not mean that it is of no use to you! For example, it ensures that the substance can provide excellent protection for your intestines: a thin layer is formed in your intestines that encapsulates hazardous substances and makes them harmless.

In addition to this proven antioxidant effect, chlorophyll may also support your immune system. Research into this function is still in full swing, but the first results in animals seem promising for the time being - and it certainly doesn't hurt.

Makes your body basic

Your organs function better in an alkaline environment, but unfortunately a large part of the Western diet still consists of acidic foods, such as meat, fish , eggs and grains. That does not mean that these foods are bad, but that it is important to also eat enough basic foods, such as vegetables and fruit !

Chlorophyll contains a lot of magnesium , which balances the acid-base content in your body. However, this positive effect only applies in combination with a diet that is also as healthy as possible; the occasional shot of wheatgrass does not just cancel out the effect of huge amounts of red meat .

More red blood cells and energy

Japanese research shows that algae with a lot of chlorophyll (such as chlorella) can greatly reduce the risk of anemia. Although this may partly also be due to the other minerals in this algae, there is a good chance that the chlorophyll also plays a role in this positive effect.

If you often feel lethargic due to a lack of red blood cells, it can help to keep a closer eye on your intake of leafy greens! The cleansing effect that the substance has in your intestines also contributes to a higher energy level: because you have fewer toxic substances roaming around in your body, you will quickly feel better.

How do you get enough chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is, as mentioned earlier, mainly in green leafy vegetables and other green vegetables such as broccoli and beans. It is best not to cook those vegetables before eating them; a large part of the leaf green is thereby lost. Therefore, eat leafy vegetables raw, for example in a salad or a smoothie, or steam the vegetables briefly to make them softer when necessary.

If you really want to get large amounts of chlorophyll, you can also use algae such as spirulina and chlorella in smoothies: you will hardly taste any of this. There are also tablets for a substantial leaf green boost!

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