Figures from Statistics Netherlands show that one in ten inhabitants of the Dutch population is seriously overweight. 30 percent of four years and older are moderately overweight. It may also be that you mainly have extra weight around the belly, while you are moving and eating healthy. This can have various causes, and there are different ways to burn belly fat faster. Read 22 different ways to burn belly fat here.
During stress, the hormone cortisol is produced (also called the stress hormone), this hormone promotes fat storage in the abdomen (McEwen, Epel, 2000). The increased cortisol level keeps increasing your blood sugar, which leads to the storage of belly fat. Cortisol stimulates appetite and causes the body to store reserves of what you eat (Adams, Greenway et al, 2011). Those reserves are stored as fat around your stomach to prepare your body for another stress response. You will not burn off that reserve energy without a physical reaction (so when stressed at work, in your car or at home on the couch). For example, you can suffer from belly fat without eating a lot or eating unhealthily (Peeke, Chrousos 1995). This is the body's response to a daily stress response over a longer period of time.
You can stimulate your body to produce more growth hormone with the right physical training. So the right exercises, in the right combination and number of repetitions, sets and rest time. This hormone is mainly produced by your body during sleep and is responsible for the repair of cells, such as muscle and skin cells, and the burning of other cells such as fat cells. The higher the growth hormone production, the more fat you burn. For this it is best to do a training at least three times a week. Strength training, a kettlebell training or crossfit are workouts that contribute strongly to the production of growth hormone and thus to the burning of belly fat. High-intensity interval training is particularly effective. In my book 'A tight stomach in 4 weeks, nutrition & training 'are training courses with targeted exercises that are aimed at stimulating the production of growth hormone. Once you've mastered the exercises, the workouts in the book need only take half an hour at a time. Train safely, but vigorously, get your heart rate up, and if your muscles 'get sour', stick to good, safe technique and keep going. Acidification actually stimulates the production of growth hormone and increases your training results.
Eating too many processed foods, sugars and 'fast' carbohydrates is one of the main causes of belly fat. Also too little pure, fresh and unprocessed food and therefore enough fruit and vegetables. The Dutch still eat too little fruit and vegetables, according to research that The Covenant Healthy Weight up to 2014 had annually carried out among 10,000 Dutch people about their eating and physical activity. No matter how much you exercise, if you do not eat healthy, you will not have the desired result. In Time Magazine (2014), nutrition expert and dietitian Kate Patton says that refined sugars and processed foods trigger an inflammatory response in the body. Belly fat has been linked to inflammation, so eating too much processed food will keep you from losing belly fat, Patton said.
If you want to lose weight, it is important to be healthy on the inside. If you want to be healthy on the inside, then balancing your hormone system is the first important step. Balancing your hormone balance is an important key to burning belly fat. When your hormone balance is in balance, you produce less hormones that stimulate fat storage and more hormones that promote fat burning. That starts with really nourishing your body by supplementing shortages. For example, by eating more vegetables, possibly supplemented with superfoods. Try to eat some vegetables with every meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner for several weeks. Spinach in your smoothie, an avocado for breakfast, a meal salad for lunch and steamed vegetables for dinner.
If you are going to eat more vegetables, it is good to eat certain vegetables in moderation because of the high carbohydrate content. These are eggplant, beets, pumpkin and carrots. It is better to avoid potatoes during the period that you want to lose weight.
To burn (belly) fat it is important to get enough protein. Sufficient protein is required for proper muscle building and thyroid function (and thus metabolism). Studies (2009) have shown that proteins make an essential contribution to the efficient burning of fat and thus promote weight loss. Proteins make you feel full. If you eat enough protein (and healthy fats) on a daily basis, you never have to be hungry. In short: you will stimulate your fat burning and at the same time feel full. Animal protein sources include organic meat, wild fish and organic free-range eggs. In addition, there are also plenty of complete vegetable protein sources such as hulled hemp seed, buckwheat, quinoa or blue-green algae (for example spirulina and chlorella).
According to the Netherlands Institute for Sport and Exercise, only 20% of all Dutch adults meet the Fitnorm. Women are even less likely to achieve the recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day than men and are therefore at greater risk of developing various health conditions including belly fat, high blood pressure, depression and high cholesterol. This is shown by research by Oregon State University (2012) among more than a thousand people. People who exercise moderately to intensively for at least half an hour every day are less likely to have these health problems. This study showed that women only exercise 18 minutes per day on average, and one in three women in this study already had one of the aforementioned health complaints (while they did not smoke and were otherwise healthy).
Eating 40 grams of fiber per day is recommended if you want to lose weight (at least 30 grams for women). Research by the Maag Lever Bowel Foundation shows that 90 percent of the Dutch do not get enough fiber. 68.2 percent of people think they eat enough fiber, but only 10 percent of the population actually gets enough fiber. Vegetables are the main source of fiber. A green smoothie every day is an excellent way to significantly increase your fiber intake per day. If you add some protein powder (for example from hemp or brown rice) you have an extra long feeling of satiety and you also get extra protein, which contributes to the burning of (belly) fat.
You've probably heard this many times before, but research published in the Journal of Nutrition states again: Men who reduced carbohydrate intake to 8% of their total calorie intake per day lost more than three pounds in six weeks while leaning on muscle mass. gained a kilo. Avoid eating simple carbohydrates in sugary foods, pasta, white rice, potatoes and fruit juices. These simple carbohydrates are quickly converted into sugar in your body, causing your blood sugar to rise and you to store more belly fat. And if you eat carbohydrates, choose complex carbohydrates in vegetables, quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, teff, chia seeds and sweet potato.
If you do not eat for a long time, your body will experience stress and cortisol will increase. The body will also store fat to save fuel. Researchers at Harvard found that the risk of obesity is 35 to 50% less if you eat a healthy breakfast daily (compared to people who do not eat breakfast). It helps regulate insulin levels and the feeling of hunger, so you won't be overeating for the rest of the day. Even if you only eat breakfast four to six times a week, that already makes a difference, according to a study of 5000 adults in 2012. In people who eat breakfast daily, 40 percent less often developed belly fat. The participants who had breakfast four to six times a week were also a quarter less likely to suffer from complaints such as belly fat, overweight and diabetes.
The body experiences stress when it is dehydrated, which releases stress chemicals such as cortisol and eventually allows the body to store fat, especially around the abdomen. In addition, it appears that if you drink two glasses of water before a meal you lose more weight (on average 2.5 kilos in three months) than if you do not (Dennis EA, Dengo AL, 2010). You also keep your weight better.
A study of 14,000 people in Japan found that those who brushed their teeth regularly during the day were slimmer and less likely to have belly fat than those who didn't. The researchers state that the mint flavor ensures that you are less likely to snack between meals.
As mentioned, the Dutch eat too little fruit and vegetables. Fruit contains many vitamins and minerals, so eating enough of it is important. Too much fruit, especially if you want to lose weight, is not a good idea because fruit contains fructose, or fruit sugars. If you eat a lot of fruit, you will quickly reach your daily maximum recommended sugar requirement. In that case, do not take more than two pieces of fruit per day. Furthermore, citrus fruit contains relatively little fructose and grapes, pear, watermelon and mango relatively much. In addition, there is now sugar in almost all processed foods in the supermarket. Also where you might not expect it such as soup, sauces, cold cuts and salad dressings. Every time you eat those sugars, your body has to produce insulin to convert the sugars into energy or store them as fat. When you eat sugary products all day long, your body is continuously producing insulin, with the result that your body cells become less sensitive to this hormone, and your body produces more insulin. Insulin production that is too high causes your hormone balance to become unbalanced, causing love handles or a belly.
The hormone leptin is used by the body to regulate energy expenditure via the metabolism and signals the brain to store or burn (belly) fat. This hormone is produced in certain phases during sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, the production of this hormone can become unbalanced. After a 16-year study of nearly 70,000 women in America (2006), women who had only five hours of sleep (or less) per night were 30% more likely to eventually gain at least 13 pounds or more than women who had seven hours of sleep a night. The American National Institutes of Health advises adults to sleep seven to eight hours per night.
Physician James W. Anderson and director of the Metabolic Research Group at the University of Kentucky in Lexington says in his book The Simple Diet: A Doctor's Science-Based Plan that it is important not to be too hard on yourself. It is precisely then that you increase the chance of success. Reward yourself once a week with one mouthwatering meal (but perhaps less healthy), without feeling guilty. Eating a 95% healthy diet allows you to relax and enjoy the other 5% without gaining weight, Anderson said.
There are several studies showing a link between eating fast and weight gain. Recent research (2014) showed that slow eating ensures that you have less appetite an hour after a meal than when you eat quickly. Of a group of 70 adults, 35 people were overweight or obese and 35 people were of healthy weight. They all ate one meal in a controlled environment on two days. Everyone got the same meal with the same amount of calories. On the first day, the test subjects ate very slowly: chew for a long time, take a break now and then and put the cutlery down between bites. On the other day they ate quickly: large bites, chew quickly and do not put the cutlery down between bites. Without exception, afterwards, everyone measured less appetite after eating slowly than after the quickly consumed meal. They had also eaten less (at least 88 calories less) when they ate slowly. The researchers state that eating less quickly helps to limit energy intake and suppress hunger.
Rather train briefly with a high intensity and a short rest between exercises than long endurance training or strength training only. This form of training is also called HIIT or High-intensity Interval Training. Several studies have shown that this is the most effective way to reduce and prevent (belly) fat. For an effective HIIT training you use, for example, a Kettlebell . Research (2005) also showed that interval training burns more fat. The body cells are more likely to burn fat. The subjects in this study already consumed 36% more fat during one hour of cycling after 2 weeks of interval training.
Constant variation and new training stimuli are necessary to keep making progress. It helps you step by step to a higher level. Within about six workouts, your body gets used to a workout and you no longer make progress. Whatever workout you choose, your body will always get used to a workout and that's why it is good to keep varying to keep making progress. If you want to burn belly fat faster and structurally, it is therefore necessary to make a plan of the training sessions per week and to vary this every time. You can apply this at the gym, but also when you train at home. One of the possibilities is the Kettlebell DVD serieswhere the varied workouts have already been worked out for you. Workouts that are very efficient for burning (belly) fat and are really aimed at that. Just like developing stronger muscles all over your body and developing tight abs.
As mentioned, the hormone cortisol is produced during stress, which ultimately causes weight gain and promotes fat storage in the abdomen. Vitamin C helps to balance the hormone cortisol. In addition, vitamin C is essential for the production of carnitine, an amino acid that plays an essential role in fat metabolism. Fats are burned when they come into contact with carnitine. Research (1998) showed that the cortisol level in athletes who train with heavy weights decreased when they took 1 gram of vitamin C per day.
In addition to hormones that promote fat storage, there are also hormones that actually stimulate fat burning, such as the aforementioned growth hormone, but also testosterone. You can boost testosterone by choosing a high-intensity interval workout. This way of training leads to a fast and effective (belly) fat burning.
Fats make you feel full and are a good source of energy, they are necessary if you want to lose weight. That is to say, certain fats are necessary and you want to avoid others because they are harmful and you can gain weight from them. The fats you want to eat every day are the unsaturated fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids, including omega fatty acids, and are mainly found in vegetable oils. For example, choose extra virgin olive oil, hemp oil, pumpkin seed oil, or canola oil. For example, according to scientists, Omega 3 is able to neutralize hunger (2008). Also eat saturated fats in coconut oil, real butter and ghee, these provide a concentrated energy in your diet and they form building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances that together ensure stronger bones, healthy liver, heart and lung function, a properly functioning nerve signal function and a strong immune system. In addition, saturated fats ensure that your digestion is slowed down, so that you feel full for longer. The fats you want to avoid are trans fats in, for example, processed food, snacks, fast food. They are hardened fats that are formed when vegetable oils harden, also known as hydrogenation. This causes an increase in the LDL level (the amount of unhealthy cholesterol) and a reduction in the HDL level (the amount of healthy cholesterol).
And not just the belly. Your abs do not fall under the major muscle groups, they are much smaller than your chest or leg muscles. Only abdominal exercises therefore have less effect on hormone levels. Therefore, mainly train the large muscle groups such as the chest, shoulders, back and thighs, as well as the abdominal muscles. If you give the large muscle groups a lot of training stimuli, your body will produce more growth hormone and testosterone. This increases your total muscle mass and a larger muscle mass ensures an increased metabolism, which leads to an increased burning of belly fat. Even after exercise.
If you eat healthier, exercise more, enjoy life more and ensure sufficient relaxation, a healthy weight will automatically be a result of this. With the above tips you can also ensure that you burn (belly) fat effectively.