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Mediterranean diet : lose weight and stay healthy

The Mediterranean diet, also called the Crete diet or Mediterranean diet, tastes good and makes it easier to lose weight. At the same time, the foods used are healthy and protect against many diseases. Among other things, they lower the risk of heart problems and cancer. How exactly does the diet work.

Mediterranean diet : lose weight and stay healthy

Mediterranean diet: fish and olive oil and Co.

To understand the Mediterranean diet, one only needs to take a look at traditional recipes: In the Mediterranean region, there are significantly more vegetables on the table, plus legumes, healthy olive oil, lots of fish and poultry, seasoned with fresh herbs such as basil, oregano and thyme. The traditional Spanish vegetable soup Gazpacho, for example, consists essentially of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions and garlic - served cold. Animal fats, on the other hand, are rarely used for frying and cooking. Meat is also only part of the menu in moderation.


Mediterranean diet: foods with positive effects on health

As part of the Mediterranean diet, foods that have a positive effect on health are on the table. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. A selection of the most important foods of the Mediterranean diet and their effects:

olive oil

In Spain, Italy and Greece, a lot of cooking is done with healthy olive oil, which boosts the metabolism and regulates cholesterol levels. The delicacies of the Mediterranean diet not only shed the pounds, but also keep you fit and healthy all round. This is confirmed by a study by Harokopio University in Athens. Antioxidants, the high content of omega-3 fatty acids and the active ingredient oleuropein protect the heart and increase well-being.


They are high in potassium , which has a dehydrating effect, and they provide us with B vitamins that speed up our metabolism. Tomatoes in oil, for example, fill the stomach, make you full for a long time and, with their piquant taste, dispel the desire for sweets.


When cooked to the bite, noodles keep you full for a long time. Whole grain noodles are best suited for the German variant of the Mediterranean diet because they are rich in complex carbohydrates and digestive fiber .

Grilled fish and poultry

Both are particularly rich in protein and low in fat! In order to use the protein it contains, the body needs energy, which it gets from the fat deposits. Consequence: The pounds melt away! The iodine contained in poultry and fish also increases energy consumption . This is why fish and poultry keep you full for a long time and stimulate fat burning.


The herb stimulates the metabolism through its tannins and has a dehydrating effect just like tomatoes. It also reduces the desire for sweets, which makes it easier to lose weight.


What a Mediterranean diet plan can look like in concrete terms

For an individual Mediterranean diet plan, German eating habits can definitely be combined with the peculiarities of Mediterranean cuisine. In the Mediterranean diet, for example, muesli with fresh fruit is a good choice for breakfast. The main meal is a mixed salad with chicken or fish fillet, dressed with vinegar and olive oil. Fresh fruit, such as melon or berries, is ideal as a snack. Fluid intake is also important: it should be 1.5 to two liters of mineral water or unsweetened tea a day.


Prevent diseases with the Mediterranean diet

The special thing about the Mediterranean diet: You lose weight and at the same time do a lot for your health. If you integrate food from the Mediterranean region into your menu over the long term, you can also reduce the risk of various diseases.

The Mediterranean diet offers protection against cancer

Researchers also rely on the Mediterranean diet as an important protective measure against cancer. The following applies: Eat as colorfully as possible and only eat really ripe fruit and vegetables. The more intense the color, the higher the content of so-called bioactive ingredients. Some fruits and vegetables have a whole cocktail of them: this includes all types of cabbage, tomatoes, onions, and garlic . When it comes to fruit, apricots, berries and citrus fruits are ideal. Tip: Eat as much of the white inner skin as possible in the latter. It contains most of the most potent anti-cancer substances.

Less depression thanks to the Mediterranean diet

Spanish scientists observed 4,000 subjects between the ages of 55 and 80. Half ate a Mediterranean diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and fish, the other half followed a low-fat diet. Depression developed less frequently in the Mediterranean group . The suspected reason: the many fresh ingredients lower the inflammation levels in the blood. These are said to increase the risk of depression.

The Mediterranean Diet relieves high blood pressure

Olive oil is an important part of the Mediterranean diet and contains what is known as oleuropein. This substance gives the oil its slightly bitter taste and lowers blood pressure by widening the arteries . Plenty of vitamin E and oleic acid from olive oil help. The oil also provides essential unsaturated fatty acids. With the high proportion of healthy fatty acids, you can save animal fats on the Mediterranean diet: leave out butter and put some olive oil on bread. The oil is effectively filling and contains healthier fats.

Fish also provide omega-3 fatty acids and are therefore particularly valuable for the cardiovascular system. In addition, herbs and vegetables often replace salt in the Mediterranean diet. This can lower blood pressure, at least in people who are sensitive to salt. Oregano, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, parsley, garlic and onions provide a delicious taste.

Conclusion: The Mediterranean diet stops hunger, burns fat and improves our health - hardly any other diet can match that!

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