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Why Some People Don't Lose Weight With Intermittent Fasting ?

 Intermittent fasting can be a quick and effective method to break through plateaus and finally reach your ideal weight. 

But due to the lifestyle changes of intermittent fasting, people pay less attention to basic nutritional principles and do not lose or even gain weight.

Why can't I lose weight with intermittent fasting ?

If you do intermittent fasting to lose weight, you are prone to making mistakes. This is because the focus is placed on the timing of food and less on, for example, the amount and nutrition of the food.

Why Some People Don't Lose Weight With Intermittent Fasting ?

12 pitfalls that prevent you from losing weight with intermittent fasting


1. You eat too much during your 'eat window'

In general, your weight is determined by 'calories in vs. calories out'.

If you eat the same number of calories during the eat window as you ate before intermittent fasting, you won't lose weight.

The number of calories is the same. In other words, if you put all your calories together and eat them in 1 or 2 times, you don't really adjust your diet at all. 


For example, try a calorie counter app. This app will tell you approximately how many calories you will need each day to lose weight.

While these estimates aren't usually precise, they're a good place to start. 

The app also shows you which meals have more calories than you might expect. With this information you can adjust your diet if necessary. 


2. Since you've been doing intermittent fasting, you've been eating less nutritiously

The focus of intermittent fasting is mainly on when you eat rather than what you actually eat.

While this is emphasized, it doesn't mean you can eat anything you want and still lose weight.

If your diet consists largely of high-calorie foods, you probably won't lose weight. 


Focus on nutritious meals. These are meals rich in protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats (Omega 3-6-9). 

This will make you feel full and drastically reduce your calorie intake. Don't worry, you can still enjoy your favorite meals, but don't do this on a regular basis.  


3. You're not fasting long enough

If you make the choice to start intermittent fasting and you only shorten your eat window by an hour, there is a good chance that nothing will happen.

J e do because your normal eetroutine simply not adapted enough. 


You don't have to fast for a long time. You can build this up to a longer fasting period. Men can generally start more easily with a shorter eating window.

Most women are successful with a 14-hour fast. You can always start with a shorter fast and then build on it slowly.

In short, you build up your fasting window and decrease your eat window. 


4. You skip meals during intermittent fasting

Skipping meals and not eating enough on top of that is not wise.

It can make you very hungry during intermittent fasting. This increases the chance that you will break your fast earlier.

Restricting yourself too much during an eat window can lead to overeating during your approaching eat window, so that on average you have still consumed more calories and you do not lose weight.


Make sure you're satisfied, but don't overeat yourself during your eat window. Try to find a balance here. Meal prepping can be a good idea. 

Meal prepping ensures that you don't overeat yourself, that you don't miss meals when you're too busy, or when your schedule is unexpectedly changed.


5. You chose the wrong intermittent fasting method 

There are several methods of intermittent fasting . Not all plans will fit your lifestyle or boost your specific metabolism.

Imagine you are training for a run and you have chosen a plan that prevents you from eating in the morning. 

Exactly the moment when you need fuel for intensive exercise. 

As a result, you will probably deviate from fasting and you may even stop it completely and it will be at the expense of your sports performance. 


Think carefully and choose a plan that best suits your lifestyle and is sustainable for the longer term.

For a runner, alternating fasts can be a solution so that you don't fast on the days of intense training. Consider a consultation with a dietitian when making such a decision that assesses your lifestyle and nutritional needs. 


6. You don't get enough sleep during intermittent fasting

Scientific research has shown a direct link between weight loss and adequate sleep.

During sleep, various hormones are produced that aid in fat loss. On average, people need 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day.


Understandably, this isn't feasible for everyone, but aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night . 


7. You exercise a lot during intermittent fasting

Often when people start with a new diet, they also decide to start a new training schedule at the same time or increase the current training plan. 

This is not a nice combination. 

Over training can cause your energy levels to drop if you try to reduce your food intake and your hunger levels are skyrocketing.

This results in a higher calorie intake during your eat window than you burned during your fasting period, even if you exercised intensively during the fast. 


When you fast for full days, do not exercise too intensively. In general, the training should be challenging, but still manageable and fun. If you don't feel fit on the days you exercise, you may be pushing yourself a little too hard. So build it up slowly!


8. You're Not Drinking Enough Water While Fasting

Not only does not drinking enough water make you dehydrated, but by not drinking enough water, you miss out on many of the benefits that water can provide, such as satisfying hunger and eliminating waste.


Drink enough! You don't just have to drink plain tap water. Approved drinks include cold or hot tea, black coffee, coffee or tea with stevia, sports water (without sugars).

Tip:  Did you also know that intermittent fasting apps have a water intake tracker?


9. You're not following your plan as instructed 

Following an intermittent fasting schedule can be very difficult because most people are not used to eating for long periods of time. So if you keep cheating week in week out, it's not going to work.

You really need to consider whether fasting is an appropriate idea and takes into account your lifestyle.


Choose an intermittent fasting plan that best suits your lifestyle and that you can follow for a longer period of time. Take the intermittent fasting schedule quiz to find the schedule that suits you.


10. You don't make a plan 

Planning ahead is an important conservation aspect for any health intervention. People have a psychological mechanism that makes you want to be consistent with yourself. By planning you know what to expect and you get an extra boost to stick to your schedule.


Try to plan all your meals and snacks at least a day in advance. For example, review a restaurant's menu before dining out. This way you avoid impulsive decisions .


11. You feel guilty for breaking a fast

Intermittent fasting takes practice, patience, and willpower. Most individuals who try it, no matter what approach, will interrupt their fix prematurely at some point. 

If you're determined to stick with intermittent fasting, it's important that you don't feel ashamed or angry with yourself. 


It's important that you don't be too hard on yourself and keep going. Remind yourself that it takes some trial and error .

Inevitably, your intermittent fasting schedule won't always go according to plan. Motivate yourself and try to get back to your normal routine as soon as possible.


12. Alternate fasting leaves you not eating enough calories on days you don't fast

When you don't get enough calories on the days that you don't fast, it is possible that your body goes into a saving mode.

Your body will then instead of burning the stored calories, store the ingested calories. 


Make a feeding schedule for yourself for days that you are not going to fast. Make an appropriate nutrition plan with balanced meals that consist of about 300 to 500 calories.

This way you don't have to guess at every meal and you make sure you don't miss any calories.

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