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8 Tips for Losing Weight with Sports + Home Schedule (also for belly !)

 Do you want to know how you can lose weight with sports, how effective sports are to lose weight and what the best sport is to lose weight?

Then this article is written for you!

8 Tips for Losing Weight with Sports + Home Schedule (also for belly !)

The best sport to lose weight is a physical activity with which you can improve your sporting performance and help the fat burning process. You will read exactly which sport that is in a moment.

This is what you will learn in this article, among other things:

  • How does sport work for weight loss and how effective is it for weight loss?
  • Which sports are good for burning fat (and why these sports are so effective)
  • With which new training form you can tackle stubborn belly fat
  • A free sports and weight loss schedule for home
  • Why running is not a suitable sport for fat burning
  • Good tips for losing weight with exercise and healthy eating
  • The healthiest way to speed up your metabolism
  • And much, much more..

How to use sport to lose weight

Before I start with the tips, it is good to consider what sport can do for your overweight. Because  losing weight is not just a matter of staying motivated and eating less.

If you want to burn fat in a fast and healthy way, healthy food and a sport that appeals to you should certainly not be missing in your weekly activities. In other words, losing weight goes hand in hand with exercise!

Research shows that the process of losing weight largely depends on your diet, but a good training schedule should not be underestimated.

Why you want to use sports to lose weight: 

  • Firstly, fat burning is stimulated better than if you only pay attention to your diet.
  • Secondly, it's nice to do a sport activity that you enjoy and therefore stay motivated

Once you have lost weight and want to maintain a healthy weight forever, exercise should not be missing in your daily life.

Because even after you have returned to the right weight, you should continue to exercise actively. A calorie surplus that you ingest from overeating has to be burned in some way. Don't you? Then the surplus will sooner or later be stored as body fat.

Is exercise necessary to lose weight?

Exercise can improve your health and help you lose weight, but following a healthy and varied diet is crucial for weight loss.

That said, if you don't train or move little, you don't have much room for a flexible diet. People are quick to underestimate the amount of calories in meals.

By exercising and eating healthy, you can reduce or even prevent the yo-yo effect after a diet. Of course you can also lose weight without exercising , but you are making it unnecessarily difficult for yourself to achieve (and maintain) your target weight. You will also feel better and look more attractive.

How effective is sport for weight loss?

Very effective! A recent 2019 study even suggests that exercise is more important than dieting alone for weight maintenance once you've lost weight.

Exercise helps to increase your metabolism and increase your muscle strength and muscle mass. This allows you to burn more calories, even in a resting state!

It is important for your health that you maintain muscle mass. As we age, we lose muscle mass and our fat distribution changes. After your thirtieth birthday you lose an average of 1% muscle mass per year. By the age of eighty you may have lost more than half of your original.

This is not a good development, because it comes at the expense of your muscle strength and health. The chance of falling increases and moving becomes more difficult. Fat deposits are also more visible in places where you do not want them.

Practicing a sport helps to increase the metabolism, build muscle mass and burn excess body fat. With sports and a healthy diet you can maintain your weight for the rest of your life. Enough reasons to get started with a sport that you enjoy!

Tip #1: Exercise and lose weight at home: train with weights

A healthy way to speed up your metabolism is by creating extra muscle mass.

Muscle mass is metabolically much more active than fat and speeds up your metabolism, according to research.

That's because muscles use more energy than body fat. This means that more calories are burned in a day, even when you are resting!

Sports that intensively target different muscle groups, such as fitness, strength training or HIIT , ensure that your hard-earned muscle mass is largely preserved, even if you follow a strict low-calorie diet.

In one study, 48 overweight women were put on a diet of 800 calories a day. The groups were divided into no training, aerobic training (such as jogging and running), and resistance training.

Only the women who did resistance training maintained their muscle mass, metabolism, speed and strength. In addition to body weight, the other groups also lost their muscle mass and saw a decrease in their metabolism.

Some women abhor the idea of ​​getting too muscular. However, the reality is that women do not produce enough testosterone to build muscle mass at the same rate as men. Men make about 200-1200 ng/dL while the norm for women is 15-70 ng/dL . 

It is physically impossible for the average woman to gain muscle very quickly in a short period of time. However, an attractive and slender figure with tight buttocks and legs can be achieved by training (at home) using weights.

Tip #2: The ideal sport for getting a tight stomach

Running or jogging is often thought to be effective for weight loss and fat burning.

However, in practice this turns out to be disappointing. "If your goal is to be leaner, then increased stamina isn't really in your favor," says Dr. William Roberts, a University of Minnesota physician and former president of the American College of Sports Medicine.

Yet every day you see hundreds of people with good intentions putting on the sneakers and running down the street, puffing, while listening to Evy's running app . "Relying solely on running and jogging is not the best way to lose weight because it burns relatively few calories for the time you invest," said physical therapist and nutritionist Rachelle Pojednic and former researcher at the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine at Harvard. medical school.

While running as certain health advantages (such as improving the quality of sleep and heart health, there are better sports to choose if your goal is to lose weight or want to get a better figure.

The health benefits aside, running can also just be fun. So if you enjoy running, be sure to keep running outside the door.

If you want to get an attractive and sexy figure with more muscle mass and good proportions, which sport do researchers recommend?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)!

High-intensity interval training is one of the best sports to burn fat and get a toned stomach.

HIIT is a form of training in which you alternate intensive intervals of sports activity with short periods of rest. HIIT stimulates fat burning (so belly fat is also addressed) by (temporarily) increasing your metabolism, even after you have finished your workout .

Research shows that people who do HIIT lose no less than 7  times more body fat than people who only do cardio.

HIIT can be a solution for anyone who wants to boost their fat burning and spend less time in the gym.

Tip #3: Exercise and lose weight with compound exercises

It is a persistent misconception that localized fat can be burned in the abdominal area. Doing hundreds of crunches won't help if your fat percentage is way too high.

You may develop hard abs, but you will never see them because they are hidden under a layer of belly fat.

A 2011 study had participants with (heavily) overweight follow a trajectory of abdominal exercises and found that the exercises had no effect on the reduction of abdominal fat .

Another 3-month study followed 40 overweight women. Some of this had to do abdominal exercises. The researchers did not see more loss of belly fat compared to diet intervention alone .

Losing fat locally is therefore not yet possible. You can not only reduce fat specifically on your abdomen, legs, buttocks or any other body part.

Where fat is stored is mainly a genetic issue. You have no influence on that. What you do have influence on is lowering your overall fat percentage so that your abs eventually become visible.

Of course your belly will get tighter if you do the right exercises, but you won't see it until your overall fat percentage has gone down.

In practice, it appears that men, with the help of a healthy diet and exercise, lose fat slightly faster than women. It is often more difficult for women to lose body fat because the female body tends to store more fat.

What's the solution?

Use compound exercises! Compound exercises address the problem areas of both men and women.

Compound exercises are ideal for fat burning because they target many more muscle groups at the same time.

Many abdominal exercises only isolate the abdominal muscles, so that other muscle groups in the body are hardly trained or not at all.

Tip #4: Lose weight quickly with the right nutrition

One reason people fail diets is because they have no idea how many calories they are taking in in a day.

A recent American study has shown that you will not lose weight drastically with sports and exercise if your diet is not in order.

You can exercise as much as you want, but if you only eat unhealthy food, you will never get that tight stomach.

In addition, most people overestimate the number of calories they burn while performing exercise.

In a 2015 study, healthy participants thought they burned about 400 calories during a 1-hour exercise session. In reality, the participants had burned only 250 calories.

To lose weight successfully, it is important that you pay close attention to your diet and know what you put in your mouth.

Focus on food with the right proportions of macronutrients and do not focus on counting calories, because that says nothing at all about the quality of your nutrition.

Tip #5: The importance of rest if you want to lose weight with sports

At FitZone we regularly emphasize the importance of a good night's sleep. We do this because lack of sleep is associated with a greater risk of obesity and other health problems.

Several studies found that sleep deprivation poses health risks, including:

  • Slowing down metabolism
  • An elevated blood sugar level
  • Insulin resistance

This also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. In addition, it has been scientifically shown that sleep deprivation upsets the 'hunger hormone' leptin (which suppresses appetite). This makes people with a sleep deprivation feel hungrier and often suffer from binge eating.

Lack of sleep changes the way your body processes sugar and disrupts the hormones that regulate your appetite. It explains why people with little sleep have trouble losing weight.

Tip #6: Drink enough water to stay healthy

Staying well hydrated is important for maintaining energy.

The many biochemical processes that take place in your body cause a loss of fluid that needs to be replaced.

You do not only lose moisture through defecation, sweating and breathing in and out also take care of this.

Various studies have shown that mild dehydration symptoms already lead to a low energy level and a reduced ability to concentrate.

Be aware that losing weight with exercise only works well if you drink enough water daily and your fluid balance is in order.

  • It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. When you exercise, you drink an extra half liter of water every half hour.

Tip #7: Be less focused on your weight

Once someone has started losing weight and exercising to get a toned stomach, they may feel the urge to step on the scale every week. This is not so wise because muscle weighs more than fat.

It is therefore possible that after a period of intensive training you have lost body fat, but you do not see this reflected on the scale.

And that while your fat percentage has gone down considerably. Then don't panic right away, because it's not about weight loss but about fat loss.

Just reducing your daily calorie intake for a period of several weeks will lead to weight loss. Those lost pounds often consist of fluid, muscle mass and a little bit of fat.

Researchers estimate that in dieters who do not exercise, about a quarter of the weight lost consists of muscle mass. The body is forced into starvation mode to use not only fats as an energy source, but also muscle proteins.

How can it be prevented that muscle tissue is used as an energy source? In addition to resistance training – in the form of strength training and fitness – to continue to develop the muscles, it is important that a lot of protein-rich foods are eaten to prevent muscle loss .

  • It can therefore be useful to measure your waist size and body fat percentage from time to time. This way you at least know if you have lost body fat.

Tip #8: Control your weight

When it comes to losing weight and sustaining exercise, factors such as discipline and self-control are important. After all, no one but yourself can force you to exercise regularly and eat healthy.

Your behavior is largely under your control. Rather than setting unrealistic goals, it is much better to develop habits that will lead to the desired result.

It is important to set realistic goals for yourself. Wanting to weigh 20 kilos lighter in one year is unfeasible for most people.

It turns out that as many as 85% of people who have been on a diet are unable to definitively shake off the lost pounds of fat. In practice, it appears that most people who try to lose weight without a sports schedule will not last.

This research endorses that losing weight through healthy eating and exercising is a good way to stay slim. .

By exercising intensively every week, your body is forced to burn calories and a calorie surplus will be converted into fat less quickly.

Exercise and weight loss schedule for beginners

Practice: squat 

Kits: 4

Repetitions: 10

Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Practice: military press

Kits: 4

Repetitions : 10

Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Practice: lunges

Kits: 4

Repetitions : 12

Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Practice: push ups

Kits: 4

Repetitions : 6

Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Practice: burpies

Kits: 4

Repetitions : 10

Rest period: 60 to 90 seconds

Practice: Leg raises

Kits: 4

Repetitions : 15

Rest period: 30 to 60 seconds

Practice: Bicycle crunch

Kits: 4

Repetitions : 15

Rest period: 30 to 60 seconds


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Lose fat while maintaining lean muscle mass !

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